Arion Asllani

ACTIONART drawings


Arion Asllani

ACTIONART – drawing ehxibition

DKSG Gallery 16.01.2014. – 01.02.2014.

DKSG Dom kulture Studentski grad

Bulevar Zorana Đinđića179, Belgrade

Workign hours of the gallery : every day 17h-21h except Sunday

Free entrance



A word by artist:

Actionart is a project which has it’s continual growth since 2011.

It is the permanent gesture that only switches formes from one to another. This is where we encounter Actionart drawings of Asllani, which are created on the terrain during the past three years. At the very beginning these drawings served it’s purpose as a suggestion, actually a preparation for paintings that supposed to be created at the same time, but since Actionart has slowly occupied the territory and taken it’s own spot on the field map, these drawings firmly have overcame themselves and ever since they no longer serve the painting as an object but have become their own meaning as they are, to serve a purpose of the Actionart.


Taken from the art-critique of Maida Gruden:

Drawing exhibition by Arion Asllani in the DKSG Gallery represents part of Actionart project of this artist. Actionart project last continuously since 2011. and manifests different aspects of work and life of young Asllani, not only in a sense of materialized creative phenomena, but also permanent, reciprocal, mental questioning of the process of his own artistic procreation. Consequently, the artist himself has the urge to consciously define and develop conceptual framework in which he will opine and awaken his work, by introducing and using idioms such as an actionart, concretization, meta-landscape, terrain drawings, robotism… In the clarification of the term Actionart it is important to comprehend that it is about a phenomenon which represents the condition, which continues to exist, as Asllani underlines himself, even without any doing at all, without a slight concrete action. Actionart gains meaning which is broader than just the simple label for process or terminology strictly related to some active external ongoing. It can be manifested through diversity of media which are used by the artist himself, in this very case – through the series of Actionart drawings.



Arion Asllani’s Biography in brief:

Born in Belgrade in 1980.

Graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2005, department od painting.

Member of ULUS(Artists’ Association of Serbia) since 2007.

Member of Maison des artistes(Artists’ Association of France) since 2010.

He was the grantee of Peace and Crises Management Foundation from Switzerland in 2010/2011.

He was the winner of twelve-month artist in residence program Cité internationale des arts in Paris throughout 2010/2011.

His creative engagement is being tied to many NGO’s(Non–governmental organisations), cultural institutions, theatre and acting troupes.

He’s been also perceived as the author of various visual-art projects which are concepted sharply and often witty and it is his comment to disparate topics, starting from socio-political context of the local milieu or global overturn, all the way to some strictly art issues.

Arion lives and works in Belgrade as a freelance artist.