
Stringray  from the city of Detroit is going to play at Drugstore club in Palilula on Friday, the 15th of May. Local support will be provided by Lule, Boza Podunavac and Vitanov. ADDRESS: Bulevar Despota Stefana 115 – Poenkareova (first/last stop of buses: 33, 37, 48, 58) FB event 

Sherard Ingram is a seminal figure in Detroit’s electronic music scene with his first material being released in the late ‘80s. The reason for his international success and solid-rock career has to do with his passion, dedication, finesse and the ambition to always create a masterpiece for the audience. Collaborations with Carl Craig (whom he met while working at the Buy Rite record store), Anthony ‘Shake’ Shakir and Kenny Dixon Jr. in the ‘90s led to his releases as Urban Tribe. A few years later the legendary duo Drexciya recruited Ingram as their tour DJ. Ever since, Sherard Ingram performs hidden behind the SWAT mask to amp the mystery surrounding his talent. Something which started under special conditions has remained deeply rooted in DJ Stingray’s appearance and work ethic.

His Urban Tribe debut album ‘The Collapse of Modern Culture’ from 1998 reached a cult status. Although he hides behind the mask, his approach to collaborations and sharing ideas is what seems to be the secret to his unstoppable improvement as a DJ over the years. He continued to work with Gerald Donald AKA Heinrich Mueller of Drexciya since the passing of James Stinson, who with Donald formed Drexciya. In 2008 he founded his own label ‘Micron Audio Detroit’ to release and coordinate talent from all over the globe.

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