“365 days of creativity, work, and life of women,” a solo exhibition by visual artist and collagist Dana MAAR, will open at the Parobrod cultural institution in Belgrade (Kapetan Mišina 6a) on Thursday, the 21st of May, at 19 h.
The exhibition will consist of 20 collages on different materials – wood, paper and canvas – and in different formats. The author combines elements of visual communication and references from art history, film and life, especially from selected and collectable newspapers and vintage street art and women’s magazines.
Born in 1986, Dana MAAR has been living in Paris since 1992. After taking a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from the Ecole d’art Maryse Eloy, she obtained her master’s degree from the University of the Arts of London’s Chelsea College of Art & Design, where she studied Graphic Design Communication.
She has been a member of the Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS) since 2010. She actively exhibits in Belgrade and Paris.
The Parobrod exhibition ends on June 1.
About the exhibition ’365 days of creativity, work and life of women ‘
Visual Artist Dana MAAR makes collages by analyzing the cult society and constantly exploring the condition of women in contemporary visual culture. She aims to question existing ideas and physical art forms, as well as commenting on the current trend of daily mega brand, but engages over the issues of women empowerment in today’s world.
With an actual and engaging visual vocabulary, she uses and combines elements of newspapers, magazines as a process of recycling information, where mega-brand connects with fashion, beauty with pop culture, emotion with memory as a reflection of today’s society , that empowers women through global communication within the medias.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.