Mega popular pop singer Lady Gaga is selecting fashion designers for her upcoming album “Artpop”. One of the fashion designers Lady Gaga elected is Belgrade-based designer Ana Ljubinković, who recently presented her latest collection “Never Forever” on International Fashion Showcase within London Fashion Week.
“Never Forever” is a mini collection specially made for the International Showcase 2013 event, that took place in London this February. Reportedly, Lady Gaga will be using the clothes for either album promotion, a photo shoot or a music video.
Lady Gaga has expressed a desire to use the pieces from my latest collection that I have sent to New York today. It’s about a dozen of garments from the collection, “Never Forever,” which will carry the promotional activities related to the new album. I do not know yet whether it will be for a photoshoot, video or something else – said Ana Ljubinković to Blic Online
Just to remind that more Serbian fashion designers are creating for celebrities. Lady Gaga wears fashion pieces designed by Marko Mitanovski and Skunk wears fashion designed by Ivana Pilja.
ANA LJUBINKOVIĆ “Never Forever” collection f/w 2013/14
Photos: Milos Nadaždin
Mode:l Ivana Momirov
Hair: Olivera Milićević for O`livio hair salon & cosmetics
Make up: Nena Ilić

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.
We are sorry, but Ana made a new announcement:
For everyone asking: though I really hope to collaborate with Lady Gaga one day, this is NOT yet the case! Press are making stories and I really want to stop that this way! Thank you all for lovely words! Best, Ana ♥
Za sve koji pitaju: iako bih zelela da saradjujem sa Lady Gagom jednog dana, to jos uvek nije slucaj. Novine svasta pisu i samo zelim da sve zaustavim. Hvala svima na komplimentima! Sve najbolje, Ana ♥ We are sorry.