Opening at 18 h
Remont gallery, Belgrade
During this autumn, as a winner of jury’s Special Prize / COMBAT PRIZE 2013 (Livorno, Italy) Italian artist Graziano Folata is a guest of Remont Independent Artistic Association. Within Graziano Folata’s solo show in Remont Gallery “I BACI PIÙ DOLCI / THE SWEETEST KISSES” there are going to be presented works created during his two months artist-in-residence stay in Belgrade.
Belgrade public will have an opportunity to be introduced with experiences and previous work of this perspective, young artist on artist talks and gatherings which are going to be organized in Remont Association.
Graziano Folata (Rho , 1982). Lives and works in Milan.
Personal show “Aqemini ” With texts by Federico Ferrari , Giovanna and Marta Cereda Manzotti . Selected in the RawZone – Art Verona by Emma Zanella for the museum MAGA Gallarate (next) .
Special mention in the sculpture Celeste Prize Group Exhibitions 2013 Beyond thought, fourteen research beyond the material , edited by A + B Contemporary Art , Palace of Guaineri Cossere , Brescia ; Combat Award , Special Jury Award , Artist Under 35 , Museum of Natural History, Livorno ; “Meeting / Incontre ” Refectoire des Nonnes , Lyon , Open Studios , Arts Festival asylum White, Ameno , Novara ; RISS (E) , art project curated by Cecilia Guide , Ermanno Cristini , Alessandro Di Pietro . Ni 2012 Dieu , ni Maitre , edited by Andrea Burned , Massimodeluca Gallery , Mestre ; Intimacy image as a common space , in by Gianni Caravaggio and Via Farini staff , Viafarini , Milan ; Autonomy Workshop with artist Bernard Rudinger , Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan / Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Lyon (FR); Happy Days at Home Testori , edited by Giovanni Frangi and David shadows, House Testori , Novate Milanese ; Event Milan, curated by Caroline Corbetta , Viafarini Milan V.I.R. Viafarini -in-residence , curated by Simone Frangi , Viafarini , Milan.
Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.