Iconic Belgrade club “Barutana” is open for public again. A decade ago Barutana represented one of the best underground venues for parties and concerts. Location: Kalemegdan fortress, lower town Date: June 7th
Ticket 500 RSD on http://www.eventim.rs/rs/ulaznice/silicone-soul-beograd-barutana-363258/event.html
Hours open 23 h Local support: DJ Fakir
Since first appearing on Scotland’s seminal Soma label in 1998, DJ-production duo Craig Morrison and Graeme Reedie, aka Silicone Soul, have occupied a special place in the over-crowded field of electronic dance music through the depth and quality of their recordings, plus an innate understanding of music‘s grand heritage and its constant development. Having released four critically acclaimed albums, holding residencies at some of Europe’s most celebrated clubs, scooping numerous DJ Mag award nominations and even refusing to appear on Top Of The Pops after storming the UK charts with ‘Right On’. Silicone Soul lead the way celebrating ten years of their Darkroom Dubs label while winning dance floors across the world.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.