This is not our usual route, but it has kind of turned into our most favorite one. When it is a nice day outside and the weather is bright, we like to take to it as much as we can. For this walk I’ve planned to take my digital and analog camera and just enjoy while we are exploring the city ( as we’ve done many times before). The walking route was pretty interesting and quite a lengthy one. We parked our car in Sava mala, which is an old part of the city (one of our favorites).
We explored the old streets and nice little shops and cafes. Usually we drop by Mikser House, just to see what’s new in town and if there are any interesting events (there’s always something good brewing). Our walk continues to the Brankov Bridge where we enjoy the sunny day by the river. Our eyes keep gazing ahead where we can see awe inspiring industrial white beauty called Beton Hala.
If we feel peckish, thirsty or just want to enjoy life and the moment we choose one of many fantastic restaurants in Beton Hala and spend some time there. Afterwards, our walk continues near the river. We make a long walk, just enjoying the moment, the peace and quite of this place and listening to the silence (you might like to try it , it’s not that hard). After Savamala and Beton Hala we have reached the Dorcol which is in the city center and represents cultural and historical heritage of our town. When you walk through the streets of Dorcol you are bound to see a lot of cultural differences, historical architectural buildings and beautiful small streets. Now, we are pretty tired, but we have one more thing to check, see and we head back home.
Great Fortress of Belgrade is where we end our walk. If the day is drawing to an end then we just take pleasure in a beautiful sunset and splendid beauty of the nature. We walk through magnificent promenades and slowly go back to Savamala where our walk started. Belgrade is an interesting city for explorers and inquiring minds and always inspirational to look at, feel, walk, in, eat in , enjoy… So, go ahead and give it a go!
Story and photos by Tijana Jovanović

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.