Author: Andrew Townend
Photos: Andrew Townend
I’m living and working as a consultant in Belgrade, Serbia, and, as I explore belgradestreets, I am learning much about this amazing city, the people who live and work here, about myself, and about life. When I set out on this journey my original goal was to capture belgradestreets with a series of weekly photographs, street by street. Soon enough, belgradestreets took on a life of their own and my photographs and words became a journal, a place where I share my thoughts and feelings as I explore this city, get to know its people and what they mean to me. Belgradestreets hold the spirit of the city and its fascinating and diverse people. A city not yet overrun by global culture and repetitive brands. A city full of life, determination, memories and hope for the future. Belgradestreets, however rundown, overflow with life, colour, history and character. Those who live and work on belgradestreets throw their arms open, with enthusiasm, welcoming visitors into their embrace.
– I hope that you will join me on my journey as I explore belgradestreets and capture images which tell a story, about the streets, about the city of Belgrade, about this wonderful country, Serbia, and its richly diverse people…

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.
Thank you so much for featuring my blog and book, have a great Christmas and all the very best for “still in belgrade” in 2013, a great site!