Monday, 17/02/2014, 19 : 00
Deli Monday – European North Cusine at KC Grad, Brace Krsmanovica street
Fishermen and hunters’ kitchen will be presented to you by Dagor Voinson.
You will have the pleasure to taste dried reindeer meat, Norwegian caviar, marinated fish, fish pudding, caviar and salmon pate, pancakes with “Nordic orange” …
Many more surprises are waiting for you!
You can also find out more about Northern European cuisine in the unique book “Culture of Nordic cuisine,” which will be featured, along with gastronomic specialties, this “Deli Monday”.
And all that accompanied with music of the Vikings and the traditional Sami Mucis – yoik!
Portion price 100 rsd

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.