Salone del Mobile (and Salone Satellite), the renowned Milano Furniture Fair, unfolded its splendor from April 16 to April 21, 2024, within the expansive halls of Fiera Milano. But beyond the exhibition grounds, Milan pulsated with fervor as design enthusiasts and professionals thronged the city, immersing themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Design Week.
Amidst this creative frenzy, our journey led us to witness the innovative prowess of emerging talents, notably the master students from BAPUS Belgrade, who showcased their SCION project at Salone Satellite 2024. SCION, amidst the prevailing tide of mass production, aspires to infuse each piece with a narrative that resonates deeply with users, rooted in tradition and sustainability. Andjela Tasković, a young designer from Serbia, was captivated with her three furniture pieces:
KITE, a testament to simplicity and modularity, seamlessly transitions between private and public spaces, offering functionality and aesthetic allure.
DUDA, crafted from sustainable materials, transcends mere functionality to embody artistic expression, epitomizing the timeless allure of modern design.
MODUL, engineered for practicality and adaptability, offers users the freedom to customize configurations effortlessly, blending aesthetics with functionality.
While luxury kitchens and commercial projects in pastel hues dotted the landscape, the true bastion of creativity and boldness resided with younger, less established designers and students at Salone Satellite 2024, curated by the visionary Marva Griffin. This exhibition, founded in 1998, serves as a platform for emerging talents under 35, fostering connections between research, design, and industry.
Among the standout designers at Salone Satellite 2024 were Kotko from Portorico, whose eclectic designs demanded attention, and Eliz Evar from Hamburg, whose oversized sofas and architectural tables exuded chic coziness. Japanese and Korean designers left an indelible mark with their distinct aesthetics, alongside Tonqui Lu‘s atmospheric lamps.
Venturing into Milan’s Design Week, the historic Brera district and DIESEL Home Salone beckoned with their captivating displays. And amid savoring delectable pizza, fine wine, and aromatic cappuccinos across the city, a visit to the outskirts revealed Nendo’s exquisite exhibition, a testament to Milan’s multifaceted design landscape.
No visit to Milan is complete without a pilgrimage to Fondazione Prada, where contemporary art and sculptures intertwine. Designed by the acclaimed architect Rem Koolhaas, the Fondazione’s architectural marvel seamlessly integrates historic structures with modern aesthetics, creating a dynamic space for artistic expression.
And as night falls, the city’s energy converges at Bar Basso in Via Plinio, where libations flow and conversations linger until the early hours.
In essence, Salone del Mobile Milano and Salone Satellite 2024, with its array of exhibitions, collaborations, and cultural experiences, reaffirmed Milan’s status as a global epicenter of design innovation and creativity
Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.