June 13-15, 2024
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
With the confirmed participation of Étienne Balibar, Axel Honneth, and Jonathan Wolff.
Call for Papers: Exploring the Dynamics of Change in Social Systems
Change, a fundamental notion in social sciences and humanities, challenges our intuitive understanding. What defines change? Is it the ‘other’ of being? Is it always desirable? These questions provoke contemplation on the intricate nature of societal transformations. Join us in exploring the complexities of change at the upcoming conference in Belgrade, Serbia, on June 13-15, 2024.
Key Themes and Questions:
- What is the fundamental nature of change, and is it inherent in reality?
- Unveiling the causes and catalysts behind social engagement for change.
- Mobilizing diverse communities for effective social change: common cognitive and emotional grounds.
- Overcoming challenges and obstacles in realizing social change.
- Examining conservative vs. progressive visions of social change.
- Interrogating dominant binaries: reformist/revolutionary, radical/moderate, procedural/substantive change.
Submission Guidelines: We invite theoretical and empirical papers, employing a comparative or case study perspective from all disciplines of the social sciences and humanities. Proposals (up to 300 words) and submissions for 15-minute presentations are welcome.
📅 Important Dates:
- Proposal Submission Deadline: January 31, 2024
- Notification of Submission Status: February 29, 2024
📧 Submission Details: Send proposals to conferences@ifdt.bg.ac.rs in a Word document, including the presentation title, abstract, and your full name, institutional affiliation, and contact information.
🌐 Conference Information: Join us in Belgrade, Serbia, for stimulating discussions and insights on June 13-15, 2024. For additional information, contact conferences@ifdt.bg.ac.rs. We look forward to your contributions as we unravel the dynamics of change in social systems. #CallForPapers #SocialChangeConference2024

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