Photo: Magdalena Stanković
Conceived as an art colony, which brings together all those who understand the value of culture, with the slogan “Make continue”, in Belgrade, during the month of June the first festival called DEV9T, will be held. In location of Ciglana, klub ljubitelja teške industrije, from the 8th to 14th of June, each visitor will have the opportunity to wake up its own creativity through interactive exhibitions, workshops, performances and music programme. In this way everyone will be able to find a place for themselves, to experience other people’s creativity, but also to create their own, authentic and personal, and to became a part of creating artistic utopia.
DEV9T supports culture, because it represents the natural habitat of all living creatures. That is why this festival is a place that allows artists to have complete freedom to be what they are and create what they want. Instead stages, DEV9T will have favelas, creative zones, because art is all around us and nobody can alienate it. Therefore, DEV9T festival will over the next few years evolve from the art colony into leading networking platform for artists with event organizers, public and commercial sponsors, which is also the goal of this festival.
Photo: Magdalena Stanković
The epicenter of the interests of individuals and groups in the field of arts is based on the daily programme, wherein the festival will function as a big open air galleries and big art workshops. On this occasion competitions will be announced for all individuals of this world to engage, take the tool in hand and materialize their imagination through the nine kinds of art: film, painting, sculpture, dance, literature, architecture, photography, music and comics.
The first competition DEV9T invites all individuals and groups to submit their own works of art, which will be presented and exhibited at the festival. More information can be found HERE.
Lovers of good entertainment will have the opportunity to enjoy in the music programme. Given that festival aims to bring together all types of arts and gather free, creative minds in one place, the experience of enjoying the music will be much richer, because all other facilities aim to work in synergy with music.
Keep an eye on Zla Shtek favela

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.