In our new column Meet a local we present interesting individuals from different professional fields living in Belgrade. The idea is to get to know some locals and their favorite neighborhoods and venues in the city.
Please introduce yourself to our readers:
My name is Dejan. I’m a former history teacher who has become freelance tourist guide on his own will. Photo enthusiast and nature lover. Drinker over eater. Both homebody and party animal. Loves art, travelling and sleeping.
Has there been a new project lately?
Lately I am occupied with my career goals. I’m planning my future destinations and trying to make something out of my hobby (photography).

What do you like about Belgrade?
Belgrade is my home town so I can’t be objective about it. It has always been that love and hate relationship but unforgettable moments and the time I’ve spent here tied me to it. I love its history and resilience. It is incredible how it survives and renews over and over again.
Where do you like to go out?
I am still into clubbing so I mostly chose Drugstore, 20/44 and KC Grad and for some casual fun, bars like Ljubimac, Lift or newly opened Dim in Cetinjska Street.
Name 3 of your favorite restaurants in the city?
I am not a foodie person. My taste is pretty basic so eating at home satisfies my needs completely. When I eat outside I usually chose Burrito Madre, some old school restaurant like Proleće or oriental Hannan.
Where do you drink coffee?
I like Kafeterija on Student’s Square, Meduza and Filter in my neighborhood.
Where do you spend your leisure time?
Since I am out of Belgrade due to my work, when I come back home I am actually on vacation. I like to sleep so my first choice is staying at home. When my batteries are recharged I like to go to a local gym, swimming pool or go ice skating. Sometimes I just like to walk around the Ada Lake or in the Košutnjak forest. I am art lover so a gallery or a museum is also an option. Sometimes I just go out for a drink. My mobile phone/camera always accompanies me.
Name your 3 favorite locations in Belgrade and justify your choice.
Kalemegdan – The place where it all started, historical stage and the most beautiful location in Belgrade.
Vračar – I like its vibe, friendly atmosphere and the fact that it is like a city within a city. You get a feeling that you know people that you randomly meet on the street and quite often you really do.
Košutnjak – I live on the very edge of this massive Belgrade’s forest so I consider it my home. I go there for a walk just to clear my mind.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.