Jorge fabian 05

Photography  exhibition: Ojos de silencio, voz de luz

Artist: Jorge Fabián Castillo

Exhibition from  the 7th   to 18th  of April 2015

Opening April 7th 2015  at 19h



Belgrade Design District, 1 Sprat, lokal 96

Facebook event:

“Eyes of silence, voice of light” is a time between image and word, between memory and imagination, between atony and sensation. The present proposal is meant to be a poiesis in which image and word are fused to create ambivalent memories in a lyrical world where spectators are their own memory and their own experience.

The writer does not limit herself to the presentation of a world in images; the placement of the person within the scene is also important to reinforce the intention of the proposal, presenting works of art in different formats and texts that course through the exposition hall.

Jorge Fabián Castillo  2015

Translation by Luis Razo



in collaboration with Embajada  de México Serbia

sponsor: Vinarija Čoka & Jump Inn Hotel