We wrote about Savamala “Creative District” and did some interviews with artists some time ago. Today, we showcase more of Belgrade creativity. Some of local municipalities decided to redecorate gray facades of buildings and support public art. With a help of graffiti and street artists this town is becoming more colorful and arty.
The Ghost People of Savamala by Sanda Vitorović
Ex-industrial zone on the river, below Brankov bridge and near the center of the city. Today, known as the creative hub of Belgrade. Streets as Braće Krsmanovića, Travnička and Mostarska are covered with graffiti. The most of them are made by the local artists. Foreign guests were in Belgrade with the aim to paint murals. The most of them came to town during Belef and Mikser festivals.
One of the most famous murals, and in the same time one of the landmarks of Belgrade is La Santa de Beograd painted by Giom Olbi Remed during Belgrade Summer Festival.
“I have search some information, about the history and architecture of Belgrade. Then I learnt, that it has been destroyed and rebuild 38 times in her history.. So this ” santa” inspired from an icon of the city my friend sent me, has several hands and a hidden black face. Between her legs, an egg from which goes out life and civilization. One hand is holding it, protecting it…One other hand is sending lightening on the city to destroy it, but in her sleeve, there s a white flag of peace…One of her other hand, is holding her breast, as a mother giving milk, feeding the city…but hidden in her sleeve, a big gun, war weapon…Then the top hand, is also sending lightnings destroying the city, but from her sleeve, a free bird is going out to fly and spread peace !”, wrote Giom Olbi Remed.
La Santa de Belgrade, Karadjordjeva street
Mural titled “Waiting for the sun” represents a work of Aleksandar Maćašev and it gives a very different impression to passersby captured in nearby ruined and dirty facade of Savamala. It’s painted during the Mikser festival.
Waiting for the Sun, Karadjordjeva street
Imitation of Life
Another mural titled “Imitation of Life” and painted during the Mikser festival.
In case you would prefer to book a tour through Savamala and get to know it better, find more info here

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.