Due to rapid sale of tickets, the Retrospektakl event, by which our most famous DJ Marko Nastić celebrates 20 years of career, moves to a larger area – the Central warehouse of Port Belgrade. Venue stands in 39 Žorža Klemensoa St., and it will host 7,000 people!
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of a successful career in the world of electronic music, Marko Nastić is making Retrospektakl – probably the biggest party happening this year, set to happen on May 19th. With the help of more than 30 DJs with whom he collaborated in his career, Marko will play back2back and remind us of the biggest electronic music hits that have marked the scene in the last two decades.
You can’t miss this the #warehouserave!
Tickets can be purchased through the Eventim sales network as well as electronically, via http://www.eventim.rs.
Promotional contingent of 1,000 tickets is available at a price of 1,000 RSD
After that, the sale of 3,000 tickets at the regular price of 1,200 RSD begins
For sale at the door before the event, a 300-ticket container will be available at a price of 1,500 RSD

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.