In case you are interested in experiencing Belgrade and in buying some items designed by local designers we would suggest visiting Dechkotzar store in 16 Gračanička St. Dechkotzar is a Serbian brand established by two brothers Nikola and Nenad Radojčić, who are known at the local design scene.
The underlying idea is to transfer their design on wearable clothing items and other interesting stationery and the like such as notepads, wrapping paper, coffee cups….For quite a long while the two brothers have longed to open their own store and they seemed to have found the opportunity for that in the empty premises next to Mandarina Cake Shop, run by Nikola’s wife Camelia with her brother. So, in that way this part of Gracanicka Street turned into ‘a niche’ for their family business.
Visitors to the store can see the neon inscription Improvise Wisely one the wall representing their motto which seems to drive their creativity.
Photos by Visnja Jovanovic
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