Jane Doe is the first vintage store in Belgrade. If you’re looking for rarities from the period of 1920-1990, visit Jane Doe vintage store in 17 Kapetan Mišina street at Dorćol quarter. In addition to vintage unique, here you will find unique creations of young designers as well as new things that are modeled as vintage clothes. Jane Doe store also sells an interesting collection of old appliances , household items, furniture and diverse selection of vintage items.
Jane Doe name comes from the English language and marks a person without identity. As soon as some of the vintage stuff are sold and have found a new owner, the meaning of the label Jane Doe is lost and a new identity is created. Jane supports original and unique creations that do not belong to mass production, which is prevalent in our everyday life.
In addition to traditional sales, this store offers workshops, days of exchange and other interesting events.
Hours open 10-20h and on Saturday from 12-17h. There is currently a big summer sale – vintage items at a discount up to 70 %!

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.