
All of you who are nostalgic about Yugoslavia and it’s pop culture should come to KC Grad’s Big Gallery on June 30th for the opening of a very special exhibition created by the creative team behind the famous blog Yugodrom: Milena Savić and Vladimir Crvenković. And if you are not among the ones touched by audio-visual stimulations of the former socialist Yugoslavia, you should come to, because the exhibition will give you some new historic knowledge of the past, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Blog Yugodrom was founded for the purposes of preserving and projecting all the audio-visual (pop)cultural heritage of the so-called exYu era. From that point it has grown and developed some projects interpreting the heritage creating for example a series of postcards called Yu Greetings, while the creative team of the blog is currently involved in creating visual identity of an American film called Sankofa, which is inspired by the Yugoslav memorial culture. The team Yugodrom is that way entering not only documentary sphere, but is also preserving material and immaterial heritage of the former country.

While we are expecting the film mentioned above, this exhibition will give us new readings and perspective on various Yugoslav phenomenon. The title “Yugotip” (Yugotype) is referring to the slogans and visual identity of Yugoslav advertising and their reinterpretation regarding the present thus giving them new meaning, creating new codes linked to the supranational brands linked to the once prosper life in Yugoslavia, but this way given new semantics to send the message needed. The result of that process is so-called Slogotip- visually very familiar slogans and adverts with their syntax changed in a way to present new meaning which is often witty ironic and invites the reader to think and compare present with the past, especially in the case if the reader was a part of Yugoslav prosperity and lived that life in the past.

All the “Slogotips” will be presented in different mediums, as posters, objects in space etc. thus creating visually rich varieties.

Exhibition is opened June 30th and will last until July 6th.