In our new column Meet a local we present interesting individuals from different professional fields living in Belgrade. The idea is to get to know some locals and their favorite neighborhoods and venues in the city.
Please introduce yourself to our readers:
Hi! My name is Dragana and I’m the co-founder of Drugstore and Dim venues in Belgrade.
Has there been a new project lately?
There always are. Club, bars, theater play, art program… The most recent are Dim’s music studio we’re building in collaboration with Digimedia, and Drugstore label which will have Mangulica FM and Svetlana Maraš on its first two releases.

What do you like about Belgrade?
It’s people, warmth and enthusiasm.
Where do you like to go out?
I’m always out in venues in Belgrade where I work, and when I travel I really like to visit Berlin’s strip clubs and De School and Garage Noord in Amsterdam.

Name 3 of your favorite restaurants in the city?
Istok, Cveće Zla and Velika Skadarlija

Where do you drink coffee?
In the office at ‘Dim’ most of the time or at our neighbor bars ‘Zaokret’ and ‘16’ in Cetinjska.
Where do you spend your leisure time?
At home or walking with my baby dog Nudi if in Belgrade, but I really try to find time to visit my friends around Europe as much as I can.
Name your 3 favorite locations in Belgrade and justify your choice.
Kalemegdan cause it’s irresistible, The Danube bank around 25. May sports center cause Nudi likes it too and that’s it. I’m a very boring person as you can see. I cannot think of the third one cause I never leave the hood (Dorcol).

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.