APR 24 AT 5 PM – APR 25 AT 5 AM
LIVE STREAM: https://drugstorebeograd.com/?fbclid=IwAR28YfQ_W0TsT8BdEwP7Lzw-plY9kkiqw0QN50F5sUCx4pTvbX2GfQJ2AXg
Hello all! I hope everyone is safe and fine and a total Jamie in the kitchen by now. As the entire world is exchanging experiences we’re here to contribute from our own angle. The drugstore is a completely independent initiative through which many cultures and creatives intertwined in the past decade. The way most things operate here it leaves a team of dedicated employees on their own for an indefinite period of time. On top of it, Serbia is under a regime that keeps the safety instructions regarding the pandemic on the extreme side. On Friday, April the 24th, from 17-05H, we are teaming up with resident DJ Tijana T who is preparing a 12H all night long set under total lockdown in hometown Belgrade. As the beacon of the local scene you probably know from her many festivals and club appearances worldwide, Tijana will tell you more about the situation in Serbia herself during the show. For this occasion, we have prepared a set of donators packs full of fun and valuable merch. All the revenue from donations will go straight to the invisible yet irreplaceable part of the crew here consisting of VJs and light operators, security, designers, bartenders, techs, and office peeps. Hope our packs, as well as Tijana’s super special 12-hour set, will keep you happy and safe under quarantine! Jägermeister Serbia is the first to support a donation thus making this stream happen.
A cyber kiss in the form of a video by Straja and Mara, Drugstore’s muses
Entrance for the first party after quarantine
+ thank you card signed by Tijana the resident DJ and Stefan, the security managers
Crying handkerchief
+ entrance for the first party after quarantine
+ thank you card signed by Stefan the designer and Bob the VJ
Drugstore lube
+ entrance for the first party after quarantine
+ thank you card signed by Dragana and Nemanja, the founders
+ entrance for the first party after quarantine
+ thank you card signed by Bane the booker and Žarko the wardrobe expert
5 tickets for any party
+ T-shirt
+ thank you card signed by Edin the social media guy, Mihail the night manager and Saša the stage manager
Annual ticket
+ T-shirt
+ thank you card signed by Milica the bartenderette and Aljoša the light operator OR SIMPLY DONATE HERE
Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.