The Research Centre for Identities, Politics and Cultures – IPAK.Center has the honour to announce the setting of the exhibition Distitled: Pieta, on 18 August, at 8 p.m., in the Cultural Centre REX, Belgrade. The exhibition will be open for visitors till 22nd of August.
Distitled: Pieta is the latest video work of the contemporary Macedonian artist Velimir Zernovski, filmed and produced in collaboration with IPAK.Centar. The video is divided in tree scenes. Inspired by the great Michelangelo`s Pieta the central scene shows a man mourning over a body, creating an atmosphere of stretched time as presented in slow motion. The video produces affective intensity that overflows and plugs in the viewer, bringing to the forth questions about loss, mourning, melancholia and futurity.
The shifting affective spectrum of the video haunts our contemporary political horizon, and make us face the grieving experiences and losses, and all their derivative backward and negative feelings that disrupt the neoliberal biopolitical demands as the means for adjusting ourselves to the happiness machine of capitalism. At the same time the menacing problem of loss is grafted onto its unavowed other, the queer losses and dispossessions, the unwritten history of unevenly distributed vulnerability that uproots the heteronormative frames of recognisability and intelligibility.
If there is a possibility for us to say ‘we’ while being affectively sucked into the unbearable atmosphere of Zernovski’s video installation, this possibility can only be found in the our common experience of exposure and being-in-relation, the double edged experience of vulnerability and transformativity intersecting through the body and our bodily life. Zernovski’s project prompts us to reimagine a political horizon starting exactly from this place where we are all undone one by each other and where we share loss and vulnerability..
The opening of the exhibition is organized in collaboration with the Cultural Center REX, and is part of the Summer School for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics, organized by IPAK.Center, to be held in Belgrade from 18-24 August.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.