Ivan Zupanic opened 5 months ago a new kind of place dedicated to photography called Opservatorijum. This place, which is located in the heart of Belgrade in Krunska Street, is more than a simple photo gallery. The idea came from the need to create a unique area where the photos, as a medium, will be treated as one of the leading phenomena of our time, in collaboration with photographers, theorists, curators and visual artists.
At Opservatorijum exhibitions, workshops and project presentations, symposiums, and photo fairs are organised. But it is also an intimate and cozy place where you will be able to look at the portfolios of artists and buy some pictures or photo-books, magazines and journals, use the library (initially modest) and learn about new trends in photography. You can also have a drink in a relaxed atmosphere and listen to concerts organised there several times a week.
Every month a new exhibition is presented. On Wednesday, 18th February a new exhibition will be opened,
« Presence, Absence, Ambivalence », which shows a set of photographs made by Svetlana Jovanović during her residence in New York last year. This talented young photographer from Belgrade presents an interesting reflection on the female body which is used as an instrument to tell us on each photograph a particular, mysterious and poetical story.
The lights, the neutral framework, the choice of black and white and the staging allow the visitor to enter a private world where he can find pieces of thought on loneliness, on the links between body and mind as well as on the role of women in society. The exhibition presents a very personal vision of the female body and it is not only due to the fact that it is a staged autobiography. Svetlana Jovanović succeeds in letting us enter in her intimate world with the impression that we are entering our own one.
The opening of the exhibition is at 6.30 pm February, the 18th at Opservatorijum Krunska str. 42 and will last until March, the 16th.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.