The 10th edition of the Free Zone Film Festival was held in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš. Documentary The Salt of the Earth directed by Wim Wenders was voted the best film at this year’s festival. The second best film was Boyhood directed by Richard Linklater, third 20.000 Days on Earth directed by Jane Pollard and Ian Forsythe, fourth and sixth place went to Finding Vivian Mayer and 1971. The 10th edition of the festival was held in 8 cinemas in 3 major Serbian cities and it had more than 23.000 visitors.
Free Zone featured around 26 films and documentaries, after every screening audience had opportunity to vote for their favorite one. Also, most visited screenings were The Salt of the Earth , Boyhood, 20.000 Days on Earth, Return to Homs, Zero Motivation, Is a tall man happy and so on…

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