Belgrade Design Week 2013 will be held from 2nd to 9th of June and will introduce the theme of “innovation” at the traditional international conferences. Jovan Jelovac- the founder of BDW, stands out the most innovative individuals that have marked the previous year (2012), and whose lectures should not be missed!!!!
On the 6th of June:
Daan Roosegaarde
Did you know that roads can think along with drivers and cars? Holland is already building new roads which are more sustainable, safe and intuitive! Daan Roosegarde’s ”Smart Highways” are a new interactive concept using interactive lights, smart energy and road signs that adapt to specific traffic situations. Daan Roosegaarde will guide us to the future of transportation, in an important moment for Serbia, finally catching up with plans to build key European highways through our country, but also showcase all other aspects of his award-winning innovative body of work.
On the 7th of June:
BDW presents the digital tsars, creators of famous interactive Nike and Xbox campaigns, for the first time in Serbia! Learn more about defining crystal clear digital marketing strategies using multi channel marketing from online to offline at BDW’s conference! AKQA’s mantra, “It’s good to be first. It’s better to be good. It’s best to be both”, proved to be a winning formula for this digital agency. Find out more about working across a hugely diverse range of AKQA clients, creating world-renowned work, winning a multitude of international awards and helping build a creative team that is second-to-none at BDW’s conference! The agency continues to fly the flag for digital agencies, with innovative and creative work that traditional creative agencies can only dream of.
On the 7th of June:
TBWA London
How to create the best advertising campaign? At the BDW 2013 conference, we’ll have a unique opportunity to learn from a top-10 worldwide ad-agency! Legendary ad-man and TBWA\London’s art director Paul Belford is going to present details from his campaigns for The Economist, Adidas, McDonald’s, Pepsi and many more award-winning members of our own popular culture! Find out why the Fast Company magazine placed TBWA 24th on its list of “The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies” and regards them as “Innovation All-Star”.
On the 8th of June:
Virgilio Fernandez
Virgilio Fernandez, one of FIAT CENTRO STILE’s chief designers will speak at the BDW conference! The brand new FIAT 500L is rendering Serbia as its production country known around the world, with keywords such as innovation, design and high production standards coming from Kragujevac, pushing the whole national economy forward. Everybody speaks about the FIAT 500L, but nobody presented the people behind its design. Find out how the CENTRO STILE in Torino created FIAT’s arguably most progressive and fashionable car in history, but certainly the Serbian most important industrial product of the 21st century.
In addition we recommend:
Vladimir Macura
Have you ever heard of Museum Macura in Banovci, the first new museum building to be built-in Serbia in decades? Find out more about this important milestone in Serbian art scene from Vladimir Macura at BDW’s conference! Collection Macura is one of the largest private collection in the region of south-east Europe and Balkans, and comprises the works of 20th century avantgarde artists, with much focus on early 20th century movements such as dada, zenitism, surrealism, constructivism, viennese activism and others. It includes painting and sculpture, as well as design objects such as furniture. More importantly, collection is complemented by exhaustive original documentation in form of notes, sketches, photographs, letters, magazines and artefacts that contribute to better understanding of the artists and movements itself. Museum is located in the rural settings, dramatically perched on top of the cliff overlooking the river Danube, and it is a place where art lovers gather as if going to a picnic, to spend a day enjoying art and nature.

Writer. Blogger. Traveler. Researcher. Electronic Music Lover.